Platform for monitoring and assessing food loss and waste data throughout the supply chain

As data-driven innovations transform our economy and society, they also transform how food systems are managed. Data is an essential resource for economic growth, competitiveness, innovation, job creation and societal progress in general.

Digital Innovation Hub AGRIFOOD is a “One-Stop-Shop” providing digital transformation services to farmers, farmer associations, food producers, food supply chain actors, and solution providers through a multi-actor approach to provide safe, sustainable and quality food while considering economic, environmental and social aspects and implications of food production. 

Digital Innovation Hub AGRIFOOD is a “One-Stop-Shop” providing digital transformation services to farmers, farmer associations, food producers, food supply chain actors, and solution providers through a multi-actor approach to provide safe, sustainable and quality food while considering economic, environmental and social aspects and implications of food production. 

In ZeroW living lab #1 we are building a platform for monitoring and assessing food loss and waste (FLW) data throughout the supply chain as there is a lack of a systemic approach to collecting data and monitoring FLW along the whole value chain.

We started the Data Space project under the DIH AGRIFOOD umbrella with our living lab partners, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor, and IAF Murska Sobota. Together we represent the core stakeholders needed for development of data sharing platform. 

Services based on data shared in the data space will enhance the sustainability performance and competitiveness of the agri-food sector by processing and analyzing data.

This will be one of the pillars of the regional development of the data economy in the agri-food sector, providing data sources and an open framework for entirely new value-added services. 

For the ZeroW project, innovative ways for collecting data and including new data sources would provide a better insight into where the problem arises in the value chain and allow intervention at the critical stages.

Through the data space, the platform will be fed with accurate and trustworthy data from all food supply actors and consumers enabling data collection, transparency, forecasting, monitoring, and management of FLW while interconnecting all stakeholders. 

Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) AGRIFOOD is founded by Innovation Technology Cluster in Slovenia.”


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